Welcome to Plastic Crack Vol 4! If you've been with us for a bit now, you know the drill; toys, action figures and collectibles new and old randomly plucked from the collection for your viewing pleasure. And since it's the haunting season, you guessed it, we're keeping the selections spooky!



    This one, I have to admit, was an impulse buy solely bought on the pretense that it was $2.50 in the clearance aisle at Wal-Mart. I remember seeing the whole line of these guys and thinking man.... I like what they're doing here and the zombie one is pretty cool but I can't justify paying $10 for a farting toy zombie. Luck found me and I found me a cheap Brainfart. Toilet humor played such an important role in the 80s and 90s and I feel like this one kinda encapsulates that old toy feel. "Pull my finger" says the packaging but it's more like "press my whole arm down" and it makes a fart noise. And I will say, they were awfully generous with the noises. I pressed this sucker down what seemed like 10 to 15 times before I got to one that sounded familiar again. Brainfart came with a card that you scratch and sniff. It sort of reminds me of Italian spices and actual farts. It's like the Pokémon card version of Harry Potter jelly beans; a thing I probably didn't need to know existed.



    One of my childhood pieces that made it out alive and in decent shape for an asshole kid who ruined everything he owned; Shish Kebab Beetlejuice. As a child, the movie traumatized me. Though it was one of my favorites among others like TMNT and Batman, the idea that everyone was either dead or dismembered in some fashion oddly haunted me but I couldn't look away. Kenner, however, made it much easier for me to enjoy. Shish Kebab Beetlejuice comes in this colorful purple, red and green attire and a bunch of holes where you can jam kebabs through including a chicken drum and an anatomically incorrect heart. I always assumed he was suppose to be the spikey version from the movie where he sees the whore house but I'm sure I'm wrong.



    Playmates toys, who were pumping out figures from TMNT, Earthworm Jim and Toxic Crusaders, also managed to get a license for a small line of Addams Family cartoon figures. It's interesting looking at different franchises and seeing what they borrowed and handed down from franchise to franchise. Take Fester for instance; push his head down, squeeze his legs and the head pops back up. There was a whole line of "head poppin" turtles from playmates with the exact same mechanism. Though it seemed to make more sense with the turtles, Fester really adopts the head pop quite nicely.



    This one is another recent buy. I saw it on Instagram a while back and jumped out of my own body the moment I saw this beautiful thing. Monster. Mash. Potato. Head. I'm sure I'm the only one but how fucking clever? Having watched toy story a million times or more, we owned a regular one as kids. But, a Halloween version? Holy shit! He comes with green boots, this big red clown like nose, an opened toothy mouth piece, a horned purple scalp piece, green pointed ears, purple demonic wings and my personal favorite accessory, 5 eyeballs in one piece. He's great all on his own but, if you lose the idea of him being a potato, he kind of doubles for an over-sized Mcnugget Buddy.



    I'll be the first to admit, I've never watched an episode of Toonsylvania. I haven't the slightest clue what happens in the show or what the characters are like. What I do know is that Spinal Tap Phil is everything I could ever want in plastic form. This particular figure came with a powder in a small packet that goes inside of the figure. Once you add water to the powder it fizzles and bubbles out of the figure  kind of a neat little gimmick. Very Doctor Dreadful like. Also, his arms are projectiles that shoot off with the press of a button. I'm unsure if this is part of the cartoon in any way but I can't help but cackle at the thought of a cartoony Frankenstein like monster shooting his arms at evil doers.

    Well there you have it! This concludes our 4th volume of plastic crack! Stay tuned for more appropriately themed Halloween articles and, as always, thanks for reading!